What is a Top Sheet?
Definition of Top Sheet
A top sheet is also a flat sheet that lies between occupant and comforter. The main purpose of a top sheet is to protect bed covers from heavy laundry and add an extra layer of softness. A top sheet increases the softness and helps to regulate the temperature in the bed. According to a survey, 70% of the American population likes to use a top sheet along with the comforter. We can use a top sheet on a hot night instead of duvet or comforter. Europeans generally use duvet covers in the place of top sheets.
The Pros of Top Sheet
Preservation of the Duvet Cover
You do not want to wash your duvet covers every now and then. Despite the lengthy washing process, most of the people use duvet covers to amplify the feel of their rooms. As a result, most of the duvet covers are heavily designed or sequined. A regular wash can fade these beautiful covers. The top sheet works as the barrier of the duvet covers. It soaks up all your sweat, make-ups, and moisturizers and does not let the precious duvet covers get dirty.
Regulating Temperature
In the warmer nights, the duvets can be too much for you. In those cases, the top sheet works as the cover that you need. Like an air conditioner, the top sheet catches the cooler air in and gives you a cooling down feeling.
Adds Temperature
In the cold night, top sheets can become the most important piece of bedding for you. The duvets can make you warm surely, but by catching the warm air in, the top sheet creates an extra layer of warmth and coziness.
Soft Textures
The duvet covers can be a bit harsh for your soft skin. Many people love the softness that the top sheet provides. Plus the feeling that you get when you sleep between two crispy clean sheets is hard to beat.
Science Supports Top Sheet
The scientists find the habit of not using the top sheet disgusting. According to them, with or without the top sheet, the bed generally is a hotbed for microscopic life. No matter how clean you are, these bacteria and fungi will build up over time. Using a top sheet and washing it regularly can prevent an impending bacterial infection.
The Cons Of Top Sheet
You Might Be Too Low Maintenance
Keeping a top sheet and washing them regularly is a task that you need to do. This extra burden of work has made the millennial wary of the top sheet. You might also be one of the people who kick the top sheet off the bed each day and is too lazy to make the bed, again and again, each day.
Partner Factor
If your partner is too busy to wash the top sheet and make the bed, then it could be a problem for you. Washing the top sheet regularly and making the bed each day all on your own can make you get rid of the sheet altogether.
The top sheet can work as a trap for some people, especially those who toss and turn regularly throughout the night. They get entangled in the top sheet and often experience suffocation. This is one of the popular reasons for the millennial to ditch the top sheet, as they want to move freely and comfortably while they sleep.
Monetary Factor
Another reason to ditch the top sheet is the money. The reason is why you should invest in something that creates hindrance in your daily life. So, do you really need the top sheet? Well, that is entirely up to you. However, you might find it useful to keep an extra top sheet around.
What Research Says about a top sheet uses
As much I have studied and collected data from hare and there, I come to know that new generation don’t want to use a top sheet because it ended up near legs over night and they find it difficult to keep it on its place. But most of aged people feel that it is essential to use a flat sheet as a layer between sleeper and blanket. Not more than 5% aged people are against using a top sheet. There are a very few people those who don’t use a top sheet or strongly disagree to use a top sheet and more than 60% of American population is still using a top sheet because they are habituated to use it or they like to use it. 30% of American people don’t care what is going and why people are even discussing this. If they get it in a bed they use if not they don’t use it. They don’t find it to be debated this much. 10% people are disagreeing strongly to use a flat sheet with blanket or duvet because it is intricate to keep it on its place. Generally a top sheet get misplace during sleep. Mostly young generation don’t like to use a top sheet along with fitted sheet.
If you have any questions related to the top sheet and uses of the top sheet, you can comment in the comment section we will answer and will notify you.
As people who are using it have reasons to use it or support it, people those who are against to use it are also having various reasons to oppose it. And the biggest reason is that dwindling of it. It is intricate to keep it on its place while sleeping. It slips or ended up near end of the bed over night. Sometimes it wraps up with us and other cover get slip from its place. You need to maintain/wash it frequently. Your partner don’t want you to use it because he/she don’t like, sometimes your partner don’t like to wash is frequently or change it regularly. Some more reasons I come to know are;
- They don’t want to make extra layer in their bed.
- They don’t want to make their bed every time before they go to sleep.
- They don’t want to invest in extra bedding stuff.
- They say it is an obsolete thing to use.
At least once a week, you should wash your top sheet and if it is getting too dirty you can wash it more frequently. It will prevent fungal infection. If your sheet is not clean it can harm your skin and will also not look good decoration-wise. While washing your sheet it would be nice if you read instructions on washing linens. It will help your sheet last long.
Everyone wants to have comfortable journey at any cost and we travel more in dreams and less in real life, it is true. The top sheet is not an obsolete thing to use as some people say it as. The top sheet in a bed is to add more comfort in your bed. It is to make your bed more comfortable. Adding a flat sheet or top sheet in your bedding stuff is not investing unnecessary. If you are using a top sheet you are not only making it comfortable but you are protecting your duvet or comforter or other bedding covering and yourself as well.
1 comment
Thanks for sharing a blog about “top sheet”. the content is really helpful and interesting, surely I will be recommended to my friends. I think the people who obsessed with cleanliness, self-care, and hygiene should find out about what is a top sheet
what is a top sheet
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